Rack Safety: What it Means for You
As an employer with racking and storage systems in place, you have a requirement under the Ontario Health and Safety Act (OHSA) to ensure you are providing a safe working environment. This means your racking must meet certain guidelines and may be subject to Pre-start Health and Safety Review (PSR) under Regulation 851 Section 7 of the OHSA.

Racked Out can help you meet your safety requirements and avoid costly shut-down or delays. Our safety services include:
- Conducting PSRs on installations as required;
- Providing supporting engineering services for PSR or stamped drawings;
- Inspecting your racking systems and recommending / executing necessary repairs to maintain compliance;
- Pre-installation on-grade floor analysis to ensure adequate support and concrete depth are present;
- Obtain municipal building permits and work with local building and fire inspectors in all aspects of rack and/or mezzanine installation, structural tie-in and emergency egress;
- Setup inspection and maintenance plans to ensure continued compliance and worker safety;
- Training recommendations and awareness on maximum rack loads, inspection routines.
Important Information About PSRs
A Pre-start Health and Safety Review is essentially an inspection of your racking and related equipment at your facility by a professional racking installer accompanied by a Professional Engineer (P.Eng) certified by and in good-standing with Professional Engineers Ontario.
This review is required (or its equivalent) anytime new or used racking is installed or your existing system is modified, moved or repaired. The report that is issued as part of the review must bear an engineer’s seal and should be kept at the location of the racking for easy access by your own safety team or for Ministry inspector examination.
Expectation from the Ministry of Labour
- A PSR or equivalent manufacturer supplied documentation showing the installation and selection of racking has been designed and tested to meet or exceed current standards;
- Ongoing Operations: Racking must be kept in safe, good condition at all times and damaged components repaired or replaced;
- Loading and unloading of pallet racks is done a safe manner
- Lift and pallet truck operators hold valid certification / tickets as applicable for the equipment;
- Aisles are kept free of obstructions;
- Adequate lighting (natural and/or artificial) is operational;
- Pallets are in good condition.
Both the ministry and Racked Out strongly encourage on-going training on rack load recommendations, tracking and reporting system damage, safe operation of equipment around racking installations, daily inspection duties and any other site-specific requirements.
Official: Safe At Work Ontario > Racking and Storage Safety